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New Zend Certified PHP Engineer in BelVG

Dec 3, 2018

2499 Dasha M.

New Zend Certified PHP Engineer in BelVG

Last week we received wonderful news – our developer Andrei Litvin passed Zend PHP Certification and became Zend Certified PHP Engineer. You’re probably wondering why our specialists need it; the answer is simple – BelVG works with Magento and PrestaShop that are written in PHP language. This is why we encourage our developers to get certified, and Andrei is the tenth specialist from our company who passed this exam.
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Zend Certified PHP Engineer Certification is aimed at evaluation and recognition of PHP expertise of a developer. This certification is not only a great way to officially confirm your knowledge and skills, but also can serve as a ground for salary raise or great competitive advantage at a job interview.

How long did it take to get ready for the exam?
How much does Zend PHP Certification cost?
List of Zend PHP Certification Topics

We asked Andrei a couple of questions on the exam, and this is what we learned from him.

andrei litvin

Why Zend PHP Certification?

It’s simple – I chose it because it’s the best. There are a number of alternatives to this exam, of course, but Zend is a company with a worldwide reputation, which makes it’s certificates recognized globally. Therefore, this exam is the best way to confirm your knowledge and get the most of your certification.

How long did it take to get ready for the exam?

About 3 months. The Certification questions are in public domain, so there was no trouble finding them. What comes to the answers, it was a bit harder. There is an official Study Guide by Zend, yet from time to time I took use of our corporate blog where some exam questions were explained in greater detail than in the study guide.

Having the list of questions and answers on your hands, it’s not really hard to prepare to exam by yourself, which I did. 3 months was enough to get ready in slow, but steady pace. I studied in the evening or at the weekend – it was no trouble.

How was the exam?

I took a computer test which lasted 90 minutes. Over this time I needed to answer 75 questions, so as you can see you need to answer quickly in order to answer all 75 and revise them. Most of the questions are multiple choice, with one or a couple of right answers, but some questions were closed, meaning that you have to fill in the answer yourself.

Was it hard?

Obviously, this was rather stressful experience, but in the end I passed the exam, so it was worth it!

What was the hardest topic for you in Zend PHP Certification? And the easiest one?

Well, you see, the hardest were the ones that I rarely come across at your work. For me it were XML extensions and SOAP – it took me more time to study than any other topic. Correspondingly, the easiest were the ones you work with on a daily basis – arrays, strings, exceptions. But I still had to at least refresh my memory on them.

Was this certification worth all the effort?

For me – yes. Even if my working life hasn’t changed fundamentally after I passed it, I feel more confident having physical proof of my knowledge and expertise. Plus I learned many interesting things, and though I don’t need them on a daily basis, who knows when it may come of use.

How much does Zend PHP Certification cost?

The cost of PHP certification is flexible and depends on developer’s current status. If you pass it for the first time, it will be €170 (including VAT). The person who has already passed Zend Certified Engineer and wants to upgrade this certificate is eligible for a discount.

Igor Dragun
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You can also purchase a special bundle which includes not only passing the exam, but also useful resources like training, study guide and pre-test prep. This will cost you $995.

List of Zend PHP Certification Topics

PHP Basics
  • Syntax
  • Operators
  • Variables
  • Control Structures
  • Language Constructs and Functions
  • Namespaces
  • Extensions
  • Config
  • Performance/bytecode caching
  • Arguments
  • Variables
  • References
  • Returns
  • Variable Scope
  • Anonymous Functions, closures
  • Type Declarations
Data Format & Types
  • XML Basics
  • SimpleXML
  • XML Extension
  • Webservices Basics
  • SOAP
  • JSON
  • DateTime
  • DOMDocument
Web Features
  • Sessions
  • Forms
  • GET and POST data
  • Cookies
  • HTTP Headers
  • HTTP Authentication
  • HTTP Status Codes
Object Oriented Programming
  • Instantiation
  • Modifiers/Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Return Types
  • Autoload
  • Reflection
  • Type Hinting
  • Class Constants
  • Late Static Binding
  • Magic (_*) Methods
  • Instance Methods & Properties
  • SPL
  • Traits
  • Configuration
  • Session Security
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • Cross-Site Request Forgeries
  • SQL Injection
  • Remote Code Injection
  • Email Injection
  • Filter Input
  • Escape Output
  • Encryption, Hashing algorithms
  • File uploads
  • PHP Configuration
  • Password hashing API
  • Files
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • File System Functions
  • Streams
  • Contexts
Strings & Patterns
  • Quoting
  • Matching
  • Extracting
  • Searching
  • Replacing
  • Formatting
  • PCRE
  • Encodings
Databases & SQL
  • SQL
  • Joins
  • Prepared Statements
  • Transactions
  • PDO
  • Associative Arrays
  • Array Iteration
  • Array Functions
  • SPL, Objects as arrays
  • Casting
Error Handling
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Errors
  • Throwables


We hope that the information from this article was useful to you and the example of Andrei Litvin – encouraging to your personal accomplishments. If you have any questions or comments, you’re welcome to leave them below!

Igor Dragun
Partner With Us Looking for a partner to grow your business? We are the right company to bring your webstore to success. Talk to Igor

1 comment

  1. The important message to upgrade for php skills, very good information. Keep update this upgrading technology.

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