Released in 2007, PrestaShop has become one of Europe and Latin America’s most popular ecommerce platforms because of its flexibility and wide range of out-of-the-box features. It’s currently being used by over 265,000 sites worldwide.
PrestaShop is one of the most popular ecommerce solutions. More than 250,000 sites currently run on this platform, and it takes 7th place at the top in ecommerce usage distribution.
To give you an idea of PrestaShop’s ecommerce power, we’ve listed 11 exceptional examples from 5 industries that showcase which features this platform allows implementing.
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The new beta version for PrestaShop has been released! Now, you can already test new features, improvements and compare how the platform functions when some notable bugs are fixed. Learn about the highlights of this prominent release here.
Want to update your PrestaShop? There is good news for you – the new PrestaShop version is already available to download. Be sure that your online store is secure and up-to-date – try the new PrestaShop version!
The new PrestaShop version is already available. The best way to ensure the security and smooth operation of your website is to update it as soon as possible. The new release fixed several bugs reported in previous 1.7.6+ versions. Upgrade your PrestaShop now to keep providing the best services for your customers. And don’t forget to back up!
Want to find out more about coupons and vouchers in ecommerce? Discover all you need to know about creating coupon codes in PrestaShop 1.7 in our updated blog article.
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Happy New year, global ecommerce community! 2019 has been genuinely rich in innovations, improvements and meaningful events. Discover the results and all the significant changes that took place in 2019 with one of the leading ecommerce platforms – PrestaShop! Key points of the five major updates, numerous informative events, security patches and much more in our article.
So, what’s new in PrestaShop? It suggests upgrading your online store as soon as possible to enjoy the new version. The latest release fixed over 30 issues reported on and versions. Update your PrestaShop right now and don’t forget to backup.
Most commonly the choice between a free or paid solution revolves around a project budget or company finances. It is natural that nobody wants to spend money on a tool if there is a free, decently functioning replacement of it. Such a line of thinking particularly inherent to startup owners who aim to launch a business website with as low costs as possible. Although reserving to free tools might seem more preferable under any circumstances, business owners in most cases do not properly weight up all the consequences and think long-term.
As you have selected PrestaShop for your future online store, to start working with this ecommerce platform, naturally, you will need to install it first. Due to PrestaShop global popularity, “how to install PrestaShop” is a rather common search request and thematic forum question.