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Another Certified Magento 2 Professional Front End Developer

Aug 29, 2019

2932 Mary D.

Another Certified Magento 2 Professional Front End Developer

Read on and learn about Yaroslau Tobolich, the new addition to BelVG’s Magento certified developers. 

Lately, Yaroslau Tobolich, a Magento front end developer at BelVG, took Magento 2 Professional Front End Developer exam and passed it successfully, becoming the youngest BelVG specialist to have received such a certificate. On behalf of all our team, we sincerely congratulate Yaroslau on his hard-earned success and wish him good luck with further achievements! 

Here at BelVG company, we are proud to have established a personal development-friendly environment. We constantly encourage our specialists to acquire new skills and master sophisticated technologies, so that they could be ready for any potential challenge a project can present. Such an approach has already yielded great results, for the number of Magento certified developers at BelVG is increasing month by month. 

In this article, you will find out what Magento 2 Professional Front End Developer certification is and why Magento developers view this certification as the best assessment of their development skills. Also, you will learn what topics and questions the exam includes. In the end, we will share Yaroslau’s experience of getting ready for the exam and passing it. 

Table of contents:

Why pass Magento 2 Front End Developer Certification?
What is Magento Front End Developer certification?
Magento 2 Front End Developer exam – personal insights

Why pass Magento 2 Front End Developer Certification?

Professional Front End Developer is a Magento certification that confirms the level of theoretical and practical knowledge, sufficient for operating and modifying Magento user interfaces and theming components. Having passed this exam, the developer receives a solid proof of their ability to successfully and in full measure customize and create layouts, templates, themes, translations, CSS and JavaScript, and other Magento front end components. Also, the certification tests the developer’s ability to modify specific pages’ appearances and apply design-related system configuration via the Admin UI. What is more, the certification proves the relevance of the developer’s front end skills and expertise, for the exam material is based on the latest platform versions – Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce 2.2 and further. 

With all these arguments in mind, it is fair to conclude that Magento 2 Front End Developer Certification provides the most consistent assessment of the developer’s Magento skills relevancy and adequacy for working on projects with any degree of complexity. Generally, a Magento front end developer with an a-year-and-a-half experience with the platform can be considered fit for passing this examination. Also, the exam experience will be easier for the developers who have already passed a similar Magento 1 certification. 

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What is Magento Front End Developer certification?

On the practical side, Magento 2 Front End Developer exam is a 90-minute test that consists of 60 multiple-choice questions. The questions are mostly scenario-based, meaning you are faced with a hypothetical situation and are expected to offer the best solution to the presented issue or the optimal way to achieve a certain result. You can choose to pass the exam online or take it in a specialized Magento test center. The lowest passing score for the certification is 63%. In addition to the overall percentage, you will also receive a separate mark for each of the 10 exam topics, which allows to get a detailed overview of how well you know this or that aspect. 

Each global Magento Front End exam topic contains a number of much narrower questions. Below you will find a detailed exam guide for Magento 2 Certified Front End Developer. 

1. Create Themes

1.1 Describe folder structure for local and Composer-based themes
1.2 Describe the different folders of a theme
1.3 Describe the different files of a theme
1.4 Understand the usage of Magento areas: adminhtml/base/frontend

2. Magento Design Configuration System

2.1 Describe the relationship between themes
2.2 Configure the design system using the options found in the Admin UI under Content > Design > Configuration
2.3 Apply a temporary theme configuration to a store view using the options found in the Admin UI under Content > Design > Schedule
2.4 Understand the differences and similarities between Content > Design > Configuration and > Schedule to configure the design fallback

3. Layout XML in Themes

3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of all layout XML directives and their arguments
3.2 Describe page layouts and their inheritance
3.3 Demonstrate understanding of layout handles and corresponding files
3.4 Understand the differences between containers and blocks
3.5 Describe layout XML override technique
3.6 Understand layout merging
3.7 Understand processing order of layout handles and other directives
3.8 Set values on block instances using layout XML arguments
3.9 Customize a theme’s appearance with etc/view.xml

4. Create and Customize Template Files

4.1 Assign a customized template file using layout XML
4.2 Override a native template file with a customized template file, using the design fallback
4.3 Describe conventions used in template files
4.4 Render values of arguments set via layout XML
4.5 Demonstrate ability to escape content rendered and template files

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5. Static Asset Deployment

5.1 Describe the static asset deployment process for different file types
5.2 Describe the effect of deploy modes on frontend development
5.3 Demonstrate your understanding of LESS > CSS deployment and its restrictions in development

6. Customize and Create JavaScript

6.1 Include custom JavaScript on pages
6.2 Demonstrate understanding of using jQuery
6.3 Demonstrate understanding of requireJS
6.4 Configure JavaScript merging and minify in the Admin UI
6.5 UI component configuration
6.6 Understanding knockout framework
6.7 Understanding dependency between components
6.8 Understanding string templates

7. Use LESS/CSS to Customize the Magento Look and Feel

7.1 Explain core concepts of LESS
7.2 Explain Magento’s implementation of LESS (@magento_directive)
7.3 Describe the purpose of _module.less, _extend.less, _extends.less
7.4 Show configuration and usage of CSS merging and minification
7.5 Magento UI library usage

8. Customize the Look and Feel of Specific Magento Pages

8.1 Utilize generic page elements
8.2 Customizing product detail pages
8.3 Customizing category pages
8.4 Customizing CMS pages
8.5 Customizing widgets
8.6 Customizing CMS blocks
8.7 Customizing customer account pages
8.8 Customizing one-page checkout
8.9 Understand customization of transactional email templates

9. Implement Internationalization of Frontend Pages

9.1 Create and change translations
9.2 Translate theme strings for .phtml, emails, UI components, .js files

10. Magento Development Process

10.1 Determine ability to manage cache
10.2 Understand Magento console commands

Igor Dragun

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Magento 2 Front End Developer exam – personal insights

Yaroslau Tobolich is a young and aspiring Magento front end developer. Being a part of BelVG for several years, he has taken part in a number of large projects, like Caskers, and has dedicated all his expertise, skill and determination to deliver outstanding results. Before our eyes, Yaroslau grew into a competent Magento developer, ready to face the challenges of the upcoming projects, eager to obtain new knowledge and master leading technologies. Last month, he confirmed his level of expertise by passing Magento 2 Front End Certified Developer exam with flying colors.

yaroslau certification

We asked Yaroslau to tell us about his certification experience and set up a mini-interview with him. Here is what the newly-certified developer had to share.

Why did you decide to pass the Magento 2 Front End Developer certification exam?

I felt I needed a substantial proof of my Magento expertise. A year ago, I passed the Magento 1 Front End Developer certification, but since this version will be discontinued in less a year, this certification is not enough to compete on the Magento developer’s market. Also, the decision to pass the certification was a good way to fill the gaps in my knowledge and refresh the aspects I have not worked with recently. 

How did you get ready for the certification?

I studied for several months before the exam, and for me, that was an optimal term. I learned mostly from the articles that I or my colleagues wrote, answering the certification questions. I have to say, writing articles is a very effective method of studying, but, on the downside, very time-consuming. 

Did you come across any unfamiliar questions during the exam?

Since the certification questions are scenario-based and therefore very practice-oriented, the theory you learn from the exam guide does not guarantee that you will pass the exam successfully. To score a good result, it is vital to have sustainable hands-on Magento development experience. Since I had enough of it, I did fine, but I would not advise those who are unsure of their practical skills, to pass the exam.  

What was your final exam score?

I scored 82%; also, I got a 100% score for the five out of ten exam topics. All in all, I am satisfied with my results, but, on the second thought, there is still room for improvement. 

Do you plan to pass another Magento certification exam in the future?

Yes, indeed, I am considering to pass Magento 2 Certified JavaScript Developer exam in order to expand my development skills and be able to take up more complicated tasks. Thanks to my colleagues who have created the complete Magento JavaScript tutorial, I have a reliable and free study material. 

We thank Yaroslau for sharing with our readers his Magento exam insights and wish that his further Magento exams were as successful as the one he has recently passed!

Yaroslau is a part of the BelVG Magento development team. Are you in need of assistance with your Magento webstore? BelVG is here to help.

Wrapping it up

We hope that this article expanded enough on the topic of the Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer exam. We also believe that Yarolsau’s experience of preparing and passing this exam will serve as an inspiration and will encourage you to pass the certification yourself.  

Follow our news and stay tuned for the release of the Magento 2 Front End Developer tutorial. If you have comments or questions, do not hesitate to leave them down below.

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