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How to Create an Instagram Business Account
Dec 18, 20196812Dasha M.

Discover the true power of Instagram marketing! This social network is booming – brands of all sizes and shapes look for a way to reach out to over a billion Instagram users and turn them into the followers and then into customers. If you want to join the race for likes, followers and global appreciation, now is the best time to create a business profile on Instagram!
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How to Create an Instagram Business Account
How to Use Hashtags for Business
Dec 11, 20191412Dasha M.

Watch out – hashtags are everywhere! Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even YouTube use hashtags, letting their users reach the trends. If your social page is among the top ones, your online store will totally see a boost in sales and conversion. Don’t believe me?

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How to Use Hashtags for Business
The Need For Mobile Speed: AMP-Based Magento Templates
Apr 9, 2018779Slava K.

There are no speed limits on the road to success. And you shouldn’t face speed limits while loading mobile web pages because nobody wants to waste time. I’m really tired of waiting the needed info appears on the screen of my smartphone. In fact, research showed that 53% of mobile customers leave the site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. Just imagine that most sites take 14—19 seconds on a 3G and 4G connections. Thankfully, Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages project has freed most mobile websites of this disaster. So, what is AMP?

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The Need For Mobile Speed: AMP-Based Magento Templates
Magento For Mobile Admins
Sep 11, 20132668Pavel Novitsky

According to the world’s trends, online stores should be adapted for mobile users. We’ll pass without notice any disputes on this issue. We’ll also ignore the implementation methods: mobile and responsive themes, applications and separated mobile websites. Let’s simply agree with the following fact: mobile store customers should be just as satisfied with browsing experience as their desktop colleagues.

So be it, then – mobile themes are reasonably necessary. Let’s now find out who spends more time in the online store. Is it a fastidious customer? Or a competitor? Or maybe Tax Authorities? None of the above. This is an admin! But we care about our customers as much as we ignore our managers. I don’t mean that developers don’t think how to make easy-to-use admin panel. They work on desktop devices and develop admin panel for themselves. It sounds justly. But this justice doesn’t work for the admin who decided to check out how it goes in the store during the trip. Read more

Magento For Mobile Admins
Peculiarities Of Mobile Online Store Testing: Functionality
Mar 14, 2013486Evgeny Mikhno

The current global trend indicates the increase of Internet traffic for mobile phones, pads and tables.  Many people today spend a free minute just surfing on the Internet, searching for some information, things or events. No wonder that as a consequence we can observe the growing number of online-store visitors, who prefer to make purchases directly from their mobile phones.

As a result, online store owners are beginning to adapt their websites to potential buyers and do their best to facilitate the browsing experience for all customers, including those with mobile devices.  A mobile-optimized version of a website is no longer luxury today but a necessity that also shows respect to your customers.  But it is important for a mobile version not to fall short of the same convenience and functionality as the main version, which stability and performance has been tested by web designers and proven by thousands of visitors. Therefore, this article we will devote exactly to peculiarities of testing of mobile versions of online stores. Read more

Peculiarities Of Mobile Online Store Testing: Functionality
«Magento Mobile How-to» by Darko Goleš
Jan 15, 2013567Pavel Novitsky

The phrase Mobile Commerce was originally coined in 1997, to mean “the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via wireless technology.” Many choose to think of Mobile Commerce as meaning “a retail outlet in your customer’s pocket.”

According to BI Intelligence in January 2013, 29% of mobile users have now made a purchase with their phones. Walmart  estimated that 40% of all visits to their internet shopping site in December 2012 were from a mobile device. Bank of America predicts $67.1 billion in purchases will be made from mobile devices by European and U.S. shoppers in 2015. ( Read more

«Magento Mobile How-to» by Darko Goleš
Big Day Release: Magento Chameleon Mobile And Tablet Theme
Nov 6, 2012434Tatiana Kozyreva

We are proud to present our new mobile and tablet theme, providing eight awesome looks for your store – Magento Chameleon template. Every single detail of mobile device’s Chameleon user interface is developed for a user to get the best browsing experience on the go. The theme complies with Magento 1.7 mobile standards and is running on various mobile platforms like iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, etc. Simply select the theme color and enjoy the great transformation happening. Read more

Big Day Release: Magento Chameleon Mobile And Tablet Theme
Creating a Mobile PrestaShop Theme
Sep 14, 2012600Ivan Orlovsky

When I was making my first PrestaShop Theme, an idea crossed my mind (not a fresh one though): it would be great to create a mobile version of the theme besides a desktop one. At the very beginning, I was in some difficulty: it was impossible to delimit desktop and mobile PrestaShop templates. However, both our complete devotion and new possibilities of CSS 3 allow us to create unique things easily. We can improve internet sellers’ lives and display their products to customers, no matter what device they use to access the eShop. Read more

Creating a Mobile PrestaShop Theme
How Prestashop will work with mobile themes… Probably will.
Jun 20, 20121077Alex Simonchik

It’s said “probably” because unlike Prestashop version, the latest version (released on June, 7) has no methods for mobile device detection. Changelog in version says nothing about it while Changelog in version reports:

Improved/changed features:
[*] FO : Add mobile detection and mobile theme dispatcher

Where does the truth lie? We, folks, are confused. Anyways, I really hope that a mobile theme is not ready yet and developers will be given a nice present with a final version release.

So let’s see how methods worked in Prestashop

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How Prestashop will work with mobile themes… Probably will.

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Uncover the Unknown with BelVG Magento & PrestaShop Ecommerce Blog

Mobile marketing is showing sustained extension and growth for many years already that is why developing a mobile version should become a primary goal for any web-shop owner.

On our side we make everything we can to help our users create simple and attractive mobile solutions.

In this part of our blog you will learn about ways and methods to create, add and administer a mobile theme, about our new extensions and other useful add-ons which our team is so glad to present and share.