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What is Magento?
Jul 31, 20208520Pavel Novitsky

On August 31, 2007 the first public version of Magento was introduced. Soon the SouceForge Community called it “The best new open source product”. In a few years Magento became one of the most popular ecommerce platforms. In this article we will tell you about Magento, why the number of developers and merchants who chose it increases, and what are the differences between the various releases. After reading this article you will be able to decide if it fits your business needs.

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What is Magento?
Payments Methods Implementation
Sep 9, 20152910Pavel Novitsky

Working in e-commerce sooner or later any developer gets the task to implement a payment system on the web-store. Basically, there are not so many ways, but their features may seem confusing not only for customers, but even for developers. Read more

Payments Methods Implementation
Redirect Customers to the Other Store with the Correct Language in Magento
Apr 23, 20142938Pavel Novitsky

Our clients often ask us to make their multilanguage stores automatically redirect customers to the store that has the language of user’s browser. If it’s not possible to define the language or locale is not supported by the store, they want their customers to see the default store.

Model of realization is pretty simple – we check if browser delivers HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header, find out what languages are preferable for user, compare browser language and languages supported by the store, and redirect customer to the relevant store. Read more

Redirect Customers to the Other Store with the Correct Language in Magento
Big Day Release: Magento Facebook All in One
Apr 18, 2014618Pavel Novitsky

Magento Facebook All in One is an extension to boost your Magento store with all Facebook force and power. Help your customers avoid boring registration process and let them log into your store with their Facebook accounts. Users will be able to like your products and share page blocks, populate their social news feed with the information about the products they like and want to buy, this way helping you to promote your products among greater audience. Be on top of of traditional marketing strategies and encourage your viewers to leave comments, like your pages and share their purchases with friends.

Key features:

  • Facebook Login;
  • Every product is supplied with Like and Share button;
  • Comments available on the product page;
  • Ability to share successfully completed orders;
  • Recent activities block;
  • Customers are able to share their wishlist;
  • Likes/comments amount statistics are available for you in the admin panel.

try now user guide

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Big Day Release: Magento Facebook All in One
OroCRM 1.0 Stable Is Out
Apr 2, 2014902Pavel Novitsky

On the first of April the stable version of OrоCRM was finally released.  Established by the Mаgentо founding fathers (Yoav Kutner,  Dmitriy Soroka, Jary Carter) today OrоCRM is seeking to overtake leadership in the market of free business applications.

Currently OrоCRM offers two distinct products which are based on the Symfоny 2 framework: CRM and Oro Business Application Platform (OroBAP). Read more

OroCRM 1.0 Stable Is Out
Mаgentо Coupons Report
Sep 18, 20131603Pavel Novitsky

It is sad to say, but in spite of the contemporary well developed and tool-rich marketing system, the main methods to attract customers and increase sales are still quite traditional and involve various promotions, sales, discounts and coupons.  Of course, Magento provides a sufficiently rich functionality for analysis and statistics.  But, as you know, there are never too many tools.  That is why we decided to make another present surprise to our sales managers.

Basically, there is, of course, available a default report on used coupons under the Reports – Sales – Coupons section.  But we have decided to push the limits and go further.  First of all, we will start with creating a module with a custom grid (check here for more details about creating a module).

We will describe only the main part – that is creating of a grid. Read more

Mаgentо Coupons Report
Magento For Mobile Admins
Sep 11, 20132848Pavel Novitsky

According to the world’s trends, online stores should be adapted for mobile users. We’ll pass without notice any disputes on this issue. We’ll also ignore the implementation methods: mobile and responsive themes, applications and separated mobile websites. Let’s simply agree with the following fact: mobile store customers should be just as satisfied with browsing experience as their desktop colleagues.

So be it, then – mobile themes are reasonably necessary. Let’s now find out who spends more time in the online store. Is it a fastidious customer? Or a competitor? Or maybe Tax Authorities? None of the above. This is an admin! But we care about our customers as much as we ignore our managers. I don’t mean that developers don’t think how to make easy-to-use admin panel. They work on desktop devices and develop admin panel for themselves. It sounds justly. But this justice doesn’t work for the admin who decided to check out how it goes in the store during the trip. Read more

Magento For Mobile Admins
Mаgentо Books Day
Apr 24, 2013891Pavel Novitsky

Perhaps no one will argue that today Mаgentо ­is one of the most popular and perhaps the most functionally rich CMS in the field of E-commerce. However, it is also true that the information on how to administer and configure Mаgentо is often taken as some sort of a secret knowledge scattered by small pieces all over the Internet: you can find something on Magento Commerce, much has been already described at Magento Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow but still the main source for shop owners and beginning administrators are some scrappy blogs of some experienced developers.

Recently Pасkt Publishing has issued 2 books that can be regarded as a complete how-to guide for beginners. Read more

Mаgentо Books Day

Uncover the Unknown with BelVG Magento & PrestaShop Ecommerce Blog

Push the boundaries with the BelVG ecommerce blog full of Magento and PrestaShop innovative and comprehensible guides, PrestaShop and Magento news, online marketing solutions. Find out more about web development and web design trends. Ecommerce is booming and emerging - keeping up with the latest strategies and tools is not easy. That’s why the BelVG team has decided to create this CMS blog where our certified professional Magento & PrestaShop developers, creative designers and experienced marketers can share their knowledge, tips, case studies and ready-to-use ecommerce solutions. The members of our team have been working with the most in-demand ecommerce platforms such as Magento and Prestashop for more than 7 years. We have created over 100 websites, took part in more than 600 project and we want to invest our knowledge and experience in making ecommerce better. Become a regular reader of our web design and web development blog and you will improve your skills. Most of the development articles are specifically helpful for those who prepare for Magento certifications. Let’s explore the challenging but exciting ecommerce world together.