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How to Create an Instagram Business Account
Dec 18, 20196812Dasha M.

Discover the true power of Instagram marketing! This social network is booming – brands of all sizes and shapes look for a way to reach out to over a billion Instagram users and turn them into the followers and then into customers. If you want to join the race for likes, followers and global appreciation, now is the best time to create a business profile on Instagram!
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How to Create an Instagram Business Account
How to Use Hashtags for Business
Dec 11, 20191412Dasha M.

Watch out – hashtags are everywhere! Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even YouTube use hashtags, letting their users reach the trends. If your social page is among the top ones, your online store will totally see a boost in sales and conversion. Don’t believe me?

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How to Use Hashtags for Business
How to Create Hover Effect in Prestashop 1.6 Default Theme
Nov 29, 20161774Tatiana Kozyreva

Today I’m going to explain how to animate your website by CSS3 hover-effects, that are activated upon mouse hover. We will consider a case based on Theme configurator (themeconfigurator) default module in Prestashop 1.6 theme. And this article is dedicated to such CSS-properties as transform and transition, that you can easily apply in your webstore.

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How to Create Hover Effect in Prestashop 1.6 Default Theme

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