Where can you learn more about ecommerce, the latest trends and get useful tips for your business? Definitely, in our blog! But there is another good place to access knowledge – ecommerce events. Plenty of secrets were spilt during the eTail West 2020 Conference in Palm Springs. Go on reading the article to find out more – ecommerce leaders share their success strategies here.
One of the top trade shows for ecommerce and multichannel – eTail West – came back on February 24, 2020. This year, the conference was aimed to unite ecommerce enthusiasts and online retailers under one roof to give them an opportunity to learn directly from the industry leaders. This was made possible by the effort of the eTail sponsors – Bluecore, LiveIntent, Recurly, Kount, Salesforce, Episerver and others.
Every year, eTail connects delegates from various industries such as electronics, beauty, health, music, accessories, department stores, art, luxury and others. The main goal of the eTail conferences are usually to inspire the audience, share top-notch ecommerce solutions, provide top tips to empower businesses and increase their profit. Etail is an opportunity for all participants to develop new connections within the ecommerce industry and get everything necessary to level up their businesses.
From the beginning in 1999, eTail has come a long way to run plenty of conferences every year – up to 9 per year. The event saw the development of companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple and others, while its speakers have a deep experience to share with the community. And this year, eTail gained lots of attendees – over 2,500. Among which, 1,200 are retailers and 200 – speakers from top global companies.
Etail Palm Springs lasted four days till February 27, 2020. At the conference, people were able to enjoy over 22 hours of networking. Moreover, this week Palm Springs offered to take boringness out and enjoy acrobatics, wine country tastings and private chef tastings. Etail provided its audience with everything necessary to have some fun and meet useful people.
The conference took place in the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, California. The hotel has a lush resort ground and modern hotel rooms with views of the lake in suites. There are outdoor pools, golf courses and tennis courts, a popular restaurant, spa and lots of event venues for eTail conference 2020 attendees. But what was the eTail agenda?
Like any other conference, eTail offered lots of sessions and events which might be overwhelming. But the organizers did their best and created a perfect event program to entertain their guests. Etail West provided the most trending topics in the ecommerce field, with a major focus on the discussions connected with emerging channels, maximizing customer lifetime value, ecommerce operations, getting the most out of all of sales channels and monetizing social media, mobile and online video.
The pre-summit day provided the audience with an opportunity to visit keynote discussions on customer behavior – how to evaluate customer search behavior, how to make customers open your emails and how to maximize online merchandising – with speakers from New Balance Athletics, SCOUT, Zappos Family Of Companies, Walmart Labs and other top brands. The second part of the day was full of tablets – up to 15. Each one was targeted at issues interesting to all ecommerce enthusiasts. Among which were, for example, a topic about measuring the deliverability of business and missing KPIs with Brad Van Der Woerd, VP Professional Services, YES Marketing, and Bryanna Smykowski, Senior Marketing Manager, Gap, as moderators.
The next session days were targeted at specific themes: ecommerce and omnichannel growth drivers, the evolution of digital and omnichannel and build your digital future. During these three days, retailers, solution providers and journalists had access to important ecommerce news, top-notch technologies, case studies, tactics, partnerships, product announcements and more. Visitors were also able to attend various panel discussions, case studies and tables.
Such sessions were hosted by a variety of recognised brands’ leaders, including Jodi Goldberg, Head of Industry, Retail, Google; Paul J. Walsh, Global CDO, Lenovo; Steven Lightman, President, Harry & David; Lev Peker, CEO, US Auto Parts; Rich Fulop, Founder & CEO, Brooklinen; Polina Veksler, CEO, Universal Standard and others. When you were tired, eTail offered lots of coffee times, lunches and breaks to relax and be ready for the new experience.
The closing of eTail Palm Springs 2020 was memorable thanks to Naked Wines – a US wine retailer. The company organized a wine tasting experience for all conference attendees. Visitors were able to try different sorts of wines and relax after a long conference day.
Etail West 2020 was also interesting by representatives from lots of ecommerce companies who came to the conference to share their new solutions and innovative ideas. Attendees were able to visit an exhibition and communicate with Lucidworks, Shopify, Tapcart, Magento, Amazon Pay and other brands representatives. The full information about attendees and speakers you can find on the official website of eTail Palm Springs.
Wrapping it up
Palm Springs 2020 is over but this year there are expected lots of other eTail events in Boston, Singapore, Lonon and Toronto. If you missed eTail West, you still have chances to visit one of the upcoming conferences and present there your brand, get all innovative solutions and make useful contacts for future collaborations.
Etail West brought lots of experience, while its speakers gave the audience a variety of useful tips and advice to empower business strategies of either global companies or startups. The event saw different discussions, disputes and debates on how to improve ecommerce and omnichannel as well as what’s the future of the industry. Well, we will see it soon.
Stay tuned with our blog to know more about not only eTail conferences but also Magento and other ecommerce events all over the world!