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Big Day Release: Magento Store Locator v.2.0
Feb 3, 2014691Aleksander Tretjak

Magento Store Locator v.2.0 will be extraordinary helpful for owners with several offline stores. The extension grants the customers an ability to search for the stores – by products in the database and by user locations automatic detection. The search results will redirect clients to your regular stores, resellers’ or affiliate companies’ location, shown on Google Maps.

Key features:

  • Store search by products in the database and by user location;
  • User location is detected automatically;
  • Displaying store preview and description in search results;
  • All links and map markers transfer to Google Maps;
  • Set various radius options for customers to select from when looking for the nearest shops in their neighborhood;
  • Show exact distance and provide route directions to the selected stores;
  • Import all your shops into the module from a CSV file or add them manually;

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Big Day Release: Magento Store Locator v.2.0
Big Day Release: Magento Tabs
Jul 24, 20131073Aleksander Tretjak

Add tabs on CMS pages of your store with Magento Tabs. Insert tabs wherever you want on the page easily. Use the WYSIWYG editor to create content of the tabs. You can add texts and links, images and videos, tables, lists and more. Feel free to gather different tabs to be displayed in one window. Create unlimited number of tabs and their combinations.

Key features:

  • Tabs on CMS pages
  • Unlimited number of tabs
  • Possibility of editing content in the WYSIWYG editor
  • Easy to add tabs wherever you want
  • Horizontal and vertical position of the tabs

How does it look on the front end? Read more

Big Day Release: Magento Tabs
Magento Tips: How To Clean Shopping Carts In Magento
Jun 24, 2013647Aleksander Tretjak

From time to time it is necessary to clear users’ unused shopping carts, especially for guest users. This feature has already been added with the last versions of Mаgentо. But for old versions, you can use a cron which would clear users’ shopping carts at the specified time. To do this, you should create a model and set up time to call methods for cleaning shopping carts.

So, let’s create a module with “clearing” methods: Read more

Magento Tips: How To Clean Shopping Carts In Magento
Magento Tips: How To Include JQuery Into Magento
Feb 26, 2013700Aleksander Tretjak

Not everyone probably likes the Prototype library which is included into Magento by default. Some users prefer to use a more popular tool – JQuery framework since it has pretty many ready-made add-ons and plugins.

Any js file can be included either with the help of config. files or using events. Using the event core_block_abstract_prepare_layout_before


we can include a library into the page directly before Magento js files. Read more

Magento Tips: How To Include JQuery Into Magento

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Push the boundaries with the BelVG ecommerce blog full of Magento and PrestaShop innovative and comprehensible guides, PrestaShop and Magento news, online marketing solutions. Find out more about web development and web design trends. Ecommerce is booming and emerging - keeping up with the latest strategies and tools is not easy. That’s why the BelVG team has decided to create this CMS blog where our certified professional Magento & PrestaShop developers, creative designers and experienced marketers can share their knowledge, tips, case studies and ready-to-use ecommerce solutions. The members of our team have been working with the most in-demand ecommerce platforms such as Magento and Prestashop for more than 7 years. We have created over 100 websites, took part in more than 600 project and we want to invest our knowledge and experience in making ecommerce better. Become a regular reader of our web design and web development blog and you will improve your skills. Most of the development articles are specifically helpful for those who prepare for Magento certifications. Let’s explore the challenging but exciting ecommerce world together.