When it comes to customer-oriented platforms, even small changes can make a huge difference in terms of client experience. PrestaShop is highly aware of the need to constantly evolve in order to provide a high-quality product, so they are constantly working on the betterment of their ecommerce platform as well as fixing the reported errors. As a result of such an improvement-driven policy, PrestaShop is updated on a regular basis, each time delivering new features and security fixes.
PrestaShop has been released on August 26th, not long after the release of the major version – PrestaShop 1.7.6. PrestaShop centers around a number of non-critical issues and their fixes. In this article, we will review the errors, resolved in the latest PrestaShop version.
- Trying to access the supplier’s page after the performed import that used to lead to an error.
- Multiple errors would occur when managing orders in a multistore mode.
- The disabled categories were visible in the parent category tree during editing.
- Incorrect prices formatting display in the Czech language.
- Filters’ application on the logs page would lead to errors.
- When edited in the new back office interface, module translations were overseen by the module.
- Theme import would result in a fail in case it had translations directory without any files.
- Some emails were not entirely translatable.
- Under certain conditions, prices would be reflected with six decimal digits.
- “Erase all” button on the logs pages would work incorrectly.
- If the store theme did not include a “continue” button, the following checkout steps were disabled.
- In certain circumstances, circumventing BO tokens had been possible.
- The links leading to edit or view customers did not function on legacy pages.
- The translation interface would not function in case a theme other than a classic was implemented.
- The “convert a guest into a customer” feature would not operate properly.
In addition to the aforementioned fixes, PrestaShop had a couple of important changes:
- CurrencyDataProviderInterface::findAll was modified and an additional parameter was introduced. This parameter is able to fetch currencies irrespectively of the current shop context and is optional, but requires that any class, implementing this interface, to be updated.
- Beginning with the new version, module translations are not attached to the currently active theme. In case a need for a different translation of each theme would occur, specific wording is required to be physically present in a theme’s templates. Otherwise, the translation will not appear in the interface. Also, while theme translations are attached to the theme itself, other translations will be global.
We are glad to be working with the PrestaShop platform, whose developers prioritize continuous improvement and enrichment of their product. We also are looking forward to the new major PrestaShop version, that, we hope, will be enhanced with a number of new and exciting features. Meanwhile, PrestaShop is a small but important release, and we strongly recommend to upgrade your store as soon as possible to benefit from it. Or, if you need expert assistance with PrestaShop upgrade, turn to BelVG for quality service.

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