Singapore welcomed one of the most significant Magento e-commerce events – Meet Magento Singapore 2019. Annually, this event brings together Magento developers, merchants, technology, and solution partners as well as various e-commerce enthusiasts. This year’s conference has not become an exception.
Meet Magento Singapore 2019 took place on 22 August at the majestic Marina Bay Sands, one of the most talked-about attractions in Asia. Annually, Meet Magento organizes this event in Singapore. This country is known as Asian Silicone Valley and remains a magnet to the tech giants from all over the world. Singapore is rightfully called the most innovative country in that part of the world. Its developed digital infrastructure, English as one of the official languages, and well-inforced strict intellectual property laws gain more and more attention from the IT companies.
Magento chooses Singapore as one of its prime locations for several reasons and one of them is this country lays at the crossroad of the largest Asian markets. Providing unique investment opportunities, Singapore is one of the global technology capitals.
Meet Magento Singapore 2019 was organized by Ranosys Technologies, a software company with the offices in Singapore, the UK, and the USA. It provides leading international businesses with IT solutions and different kinds of quality software testing services. Ranosys Technologies successfully arranged the event that allowed the people interested in Magento to get connected with the leading world’s experts and get an insight into Magento’s presence and future.
Together with the dragon dance show that has already become an annual tradition, Meet Magento Singapore 2019 was opened by the welcome speech of Sushma Vyas, COO at Ranosys Technologies.
Getting started at #MM19SG pic.twitter.com/h7zpTv4c73
— Brent W. Peterson (@brentwpeterson) August 22, 2019
Nicholas Kontopoulos, Regional Head of APAC and EMEA Commerce Marketing at Magento and Adobe Company has become the first speaker of the event and shed light on brand utility in his presentation under the name “BRAND UTILITY: The Purpose of Purpose.”
Experience Driven commerce beautifully explained by @NicholasK71 #MMSG19 #Ranosys pic.twitter.com/ZkIRDjJWkN
— Swetketu Trivedi (@trivediswetketu) August 22, 2019
Following, Monisha Varadan, the head of Chrome and Web partnerships at APAC and Google, explained why performance on the web matters.
Let people buy more and pay easily using @GooglePay. leading brands have started using it. You shall be the next as #ecommerce store owner. #MM19SG pic.twitter.com/u1tZsRtAbM
— Vatsal K Shah (@vatsalshah) August 22, 2019
Further, Rob Long, Ecommerce Evangelist at PayPal, took the floor with his presentation “Convert More Mobile Visitors to Buyers.” After his informative report, the Marina Bay Sands stage welcomed other speakers, including Vijay Pagadala, Oleksii Korshenko, Matthew McClelland, and Vijay Golani.
Before the lunch break, there was an informative panel discussion on “How shopping experiences are influencing customer buying patterns” moderated by Swat Kumar, South East Asia & India Regional Head at Magento, an Adobe Company. Such experts as Jason Lee, Vitali Zagorodnov, Michal Lojewski, and Anand Ramdeo took part as panelists and shared their perspectives addressing this topic.
Fantastic panelists on the stage: Jason Lee from Wing Tai, Vitali Zagorodnov from Pupsik Studio, Michal Lojewski from @DivanteLTD and @anandramdeo from @ranosys.@MeetMagentoSG #MM19SG #Magento pic.twitter.com/e3IkvwxHyj
— Meet Magento Singapore (@MeetMagentoSG) August 22, 2019
When the lunch break was over, another engaging panel discussion took place. The talk was hosted by Terence Rajah, Senior Solutions Consultant at APAC, Magento, an Adobe Company. The panelists Isabella Zhou, Pan Xiuling, Vikrant Shukla, and Ankit Agarwal exchanged their opinions on the topic “Mobile First: Myth or Reality.”
When the panel discussion came to its end, several other industry-leading international speakers shared their valuable knowledge in the inspirational presentations. Vatsal Shah, Karen Baker, Michele Saad, Ronald Lobo, Dana von der Heide, Karthik Chidambaram, and others expressed their vision of Magento innovations and strategies.
The impressive presentation by Ben Marks, Senior Evangelist at Magento, an Adobe Company was the last one in this section. He inspiringly shared his views on the future of the Magento e-commerce ecosystem.
Magento Evangelist @benmarks talking about Magento's future @MeetMagentoSG 2019! #MM19SG @magento pic.twitter.com/ue9Y32er4K
— Meet Magento Singapore (@MeetMagentoSG) August 22, 2019
To draw the conclusion, Rameshwar Vyas, CEO at Ranosys Technologies made the closing remarks and expressed his personal gratitude to everyone who attended and organized Meet Magento Singapore 2019, and also the event sponsors:
When the formal part was over, the Ranosys technologies team hosted an after-party at Supply & Demand. There, the delegates spent time with cocktails and networking while enjoying the spectacular view of the Marina Bay Sands as well as a special show.
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Reach out to the pageWrapping it up, we can say that Meet Magento Singapore 2019 was a highly informative and entertaining event. If you have happened to miss it this year, make sure to keep an eye on the news about the next year’s conference – Meet Magento Singapore 2020.