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How to Manage Promotion Options in your Magento Store

Feb 26, 2019

3411 Darya Monastyrskaya

How to Manage Promotion Options in your Magento Store

As you have completed the initial stages of Magento 2 online shop setup – creating product pages and categories – it’s high time you consider your promotion opportunities. As an ecommerce platform, Magento 2 has a variety of internal promotion methods that no well-thought and comprehensive promotion campaign can do without.

In this article you will learn how to create and configure various promotions

Table of contents:

Catalog Price Rules
Cart Price Rules
Free Shipping Promotion
Two-for-one Promotion
Discount with Minimum Purchase

Catalog Price Rules

Establishing catalog price rules is one of the core promotion methods in Magento 2 admin. Catalog price rules are visible to the customers and activated before an item is added to the shopping cart.

To create a catalog price rule, go to Marketing tab -> Promotion section -> Catalog Price Rules.

catalog price rules menu

You will get to the following menu. Click Add New Rule in the upper right corner.

add new catalog rule

Here you need to fill in New Catalog Price Rule information and settings. Begin with the Rule Information tab.

new cart price rule

Fill in the following:

  • Rule Name.
  • Description.
  • Status: Active or Inactive.
  • Websites – if you are managing multiple, then choose the one the category price rule will apply.
  • Customer groups: Not logged in, General, Wholesale, or Retailer.
  • FromTo: set up the time range your catalog price rule will apply.
  • Priority of this rule among other rules.

Next, move on to the Conditions tab. Here you can create one or several conditions that determine the catalog price rule application.

conditions clear

First, establish the following:

If ALL / ANY of these conditions are TRUE / FALSE: (click at the ALL and TRUE words to see the alternatives).

if all any conditions are true

Then, press the small green button below. A drop-down list with the selection of conditions will appear.

conditions selection

As you chose the condition, click on the to set up the value for the condition.


You can add another rule the same way as described above, and they will be activated simultaneously.

As you have defined conditions, move further to Actions tab and set up the following:

actions tab

  • Apply: Apply as the percentage of original, Apply as a fixed amount, Adjust final price to this percentage or Adjust final price to discount value.
  • Discount Amount – enter a number corresponding to discount percentage or sum.
  • Discard subsequent rules -set at Yes so that the customers would not receive multiple discounts on one product.

Press Save.

You can apply a single Catalog price rule to multiple SKUs, allowing you to create promotions based on an item, category, or product brand.

First of all, make sure the SKU attribute can be used for promo rules. Navigate to Stores tab -> Attributes -> Product.

stores attributes products

Find the SKU among the Attributes and click to edit it.

sku menu
Choose Storefront Properties tab in the menu on the left.

Storefront properties

Find the Use for Promo Rules Conditions. If it is set up at Yes, then everything is all right, if not, select Yes and press Save Attribute.

use for promotion

Now we go back to Marketing -> Promotions -> Catalog Price Rules.

catalog price rules menu

Create a new rule using the instruction given above. In the Conditions tab select SKU as the condition. Click on and select the products in the appeared list of all items. Click Save and Apply.

Sku as attribute


Cart Price Rules

A cart price rule, unlike the catalog one, is visible to the customer only in the cart. It is automatically activated in case certain conditions are met, or a customer himself applies an appropriate voucher code.

To create a new cart price rule, navigate to Marketing -> Promotions -> Cart Price Rules.

cart price rules

Press Add New Rule in the upper right corner.

cart price rule new

First, fill in the general, or Rule Information:

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rule info

  • Rule Name.
  • Description.
  • Active.
  • Websites – to which website is it applied.
  • Customer Groups: Not logged in, General, Wholesale, or Retailer.
  • Coupon: either No coupon or Specific coupon. If you select the latter, a Coupon Code field will appear below. You can log in the Coupon code created yourself or choose Use Auto Generation. If you select and save the rule you will be able to generate multiple coupon codes.
  • Uses per Coupon – the number of customers that can use the coupon.
  • Uses per Customer – how many times a coupon can be used by one user.
  • From – To – select the application time range.
  • Priority – with 1 as the highest priority.
  • Public In RSS Feed.

Next, move on to Conditions tab.

conditions clear

Leave the first rule the following: If ALL of these conditions are TRUE. Then, click the green button and choose Products Subselection. If the total quantity is will appear. Press on 3 dots and write >100 to require the cart total quantity to be more than 100.

product subselection

Press the green button below to specify the rule further. I will select the Category condition. Select the category to apply this rule to in the following list.

conditions category

Afterward, move on to Actions tab.


  • Apply: Apply as percentage of original, Apply as fixed amount, Adjust final price to this percentage or Adjust final price to discount value.
  • Discount Amount.
  • Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To.
  • Discount Qty Step (Buy X).
  • Apply to Shipping Amount: Yes – applies the discount amount to the subtotal and shopping amounts separately, or No – applies the discount amount only to the subtotal.
  • Discard subsequent rules.

Then, expand the Labels section. Fill in the text you wish to be used as the Default Rule Label for All Store Views. If you have more than one online store, fill in the text for each.


Free Shipping Promotion

Among the vast variety of discounts and promotions, there is one that works perfectly for each and every customer – free shipping. You, as a store admin, can grant customers free shipping based on a certain cart price rule.

To begin with, let’s enable free shipping. Go to Stores -> Setting -> Configuration.

stores settings configuration

Free shipping

In the Sales section choose Shipping Methods. Expand the Free Shipping tab. You will get to the following menu:

free shipping configuration

  • Enabled – set at Yes,
  • Title,
  • Method Name,
  • Minimum Order Amount,
  • Displayed Error Message,
  • Ship to Applicable Countries: All allowed countries or Specific Countries,
  • Ship to Specific Countries – select the country,
  • Sort order – the position of free shipping method among the shipping methods among other alternatives.

Then we get back to Marketing -> Promotions -> Cart Price Rules.

cart price rules

Press the Add New Rule button and fill in the general information. In the Actions section, set up the following configurations:

actions shipping

  • Apply at “Percent of product price discount”.
  • Apply to Shipping Amount at “Yes”.
  • Free Shipping at “For shipment with matching items.”

Free shipping for over amount

To set up free shipping from a certain sum of order, go to Conditions sections.


Click the green Add button and choose the Subtotal as an attribute. Fill in the sum after which the condition will apply. Click Save.

Two-for-one Promotion

Create a Cart Price Rule following the instructions above. In the Actions tab, configure the following parameters:

get x buy y

  • Apply – “Buy X get Y free (discount amount is Y).”
  • Discount Amount.
  • Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To.
  • Discount Qty Step (Buy X).
  • Apply to Shipping Amount – the discount amount is applied to subtotal and shipping amount separately.
  • Discard subsequent rules – set at Yes.

Press Save.

Discount with Minimum Purchase

Create a new Cart Price Rule following the instructions described above. Fill in the general information and expand the Conditions tab.

conditions clear

Expand the green button and select Product attribute combination.

product attribute combinnation
Then, select Category in the line below. Tap the three dots and select the categories from the large list that appears.

conditions category

Define the Price in cart as the next rule.

price in cart

Move on to the Actions section. Set the following configurations:

discount amount

  • Apply at Percent of a product price discount,
  • Discount Amount – the percentage of the discount,
  • Discard subsequent rules to prevent other discounts to be applied to these products.

Click Save.

Wrapping it up

As you could see, Magento 2 grants wide promotion capabilities to a store admin, and you can experiment and with them until you find the one that will work for you the best.

Andrey Dubina
Partner With Us Looking for a partner to grow your business? We are the right company to bring your webstore to success. Talk to Andrey


  1. Hello, Syed! Thanks for your comment.
    You are absolutely right, the priority field can be very helpful to store owners, especially when there are multiple cart price rules.

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for this great guide.

    However, I would like to highlight the priority field option.

    If there are multiple Magento cart price rules for different discount offers, then from this option one can prioritize the rules where the lowest number means the highest priority.

    Thank You!

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