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How to Create Shipping Module for Prestashop

Aug 22, 2014

9582 Alex Simonchik

How to Create Shipping Module for Prestashop

Today, we’ll show you how to create a module for the shipping service. The main peculiarity is that such module should be inherited from the abstract class CarrierModule and should implement the following 2 methods: «getOrderShippingCost», «getOrderShippingCostExternal»:

These methods are required to calculate shipping costs. We will create a shipping module to better understand all the nuances. Let’s begin:

Here we use the standard constructor, and we are going to use only one hook “асtiоnCаrrierUpdаte”. This hook is required to ensure that the module will not lose connection with the carrier, created by the module. The thing is that a carrier is given a new ID each time it is edited through the admin panel. Users do not notice this, but for the program this is very important, because ID serves as a unique identifier, which we can use to find the necessary carrier at any time.

When installing the module we also create a carrier and assign it to the module. This way the carrier will be receiving the shipping costs not from a static database, but dynamically, perhaps, by using a third-party API. It is important to keep the ID and reference of the carrier, because we are going to identify the carrier exactly by that field when the ID changes.

Tatiana Buchkova
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When removing the module also delete the carrier.

Implementing the functions of the abstract class CarrierModule. We are not going to focus attention on any logic for dynamic calculation of the cost, but will just return the amount of 777.

The hook «ActionCarrierUpdate» keeps the reference of the original carrier.

So, this is the entire module.  When developing such a module the main part of the work takes to receive data via API and to develop the logic for calculating the cost of delivery.

Check out our Prestashop Modules.

Tatiana Buchkova
Partner With Us Looking for a partner to grow your business? We are the right company to bring your webstore to success. Talk to Tatiana


  1. Hi Feroce
    Unfortunately, this article is relevant for PrestaShop 1.6 version. We will do our best to update it for PrestaShop 1.7 as soon as possible. Subscribe and stay turned :)

  2. Great tutorial!
    You said “When installing the module we also create a carrier and assign it to the module” so we can modify the price using the getOrderShippingCost method but would be possible to edit other carriers not created by the module?
    Let’s say when someone install my module there are already 3 carriers configured in PrestaShop and I’d like to modify those as well, so far I can only modify the ones that has been created from the module

  3. Hi,
    I’m new to Prestashop and your code help us a lot. But I’m on Prestashop 1.7 and it doesn’t work. After struglling a lot I discover the way you INSERT data in the DB seems not to more available.
    So all the Db::getInstance() fail.
    I change them by thing like that:
    $tmp = “INSERT INTO “._DB_PREFIX_.”carrier_group (id_carrier,id_group) VALUES (“.$carrier->id.”,”.$group[‘id_group’].”)”;

    and now it’s OK.
    Thanks a lot

  4. Hi, Developer, thanks for your question.
    For helping you in this case, our specialists need to see you site itself. You can drop us an email at [email protected]. My colleagues from the support department will be happy to help you.

  5. i have added some code after carrier list. and create new carrier related to it.
    My aim is there extra code would be show when i click created new carrier.

  6. Hi,
    unfortunately, we don’t provide any downloadable extension currently, as the article is pretty old and we don’t update it anymore.
    In case you need any customized solution feel free to contact us via email [email protected].

  7. Thanks Alex,

    I finally know how to retrieve the order total.
    by using:

    $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PHYSICAL_PRODUCTS_WITHOUT_SHIPPING, $product_list);

  8. Hi Alex,

    yes, i think getOrderTatal() is the method i need.
    now i am just trying to call the method and return the Order Total but always run into error.

    the file: belvg_freightdelivery.php

    public function getOrderShippingCost($params, $shipping_cost)

    return $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal();


    before calling the getOrderTotal method, do i need to define the path or include any files ?


  9. Hi, Jeff,

    you need to take a look at the Cart.php class to find the appropriate method.

    I guess you are looking for this method:

    You can use cart object from context object, for example: $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal() or Context::getContext()->cart->getOrderTotal()


  10. What is the variable for total order amount?
    i wanna calculate the shipping by order amount and weight. i need to know how to get the total amount.

  11. Hello Max,
    frankly speaking, I haven’t checked. However, I’m about 80% sure that it will work for Presta 1.7 :)
    When you created the module, share your method, please.

  12. Hi, i am just a beginner and i try to create my own carrier module. So far its cool but i stack at this point. I know i can return any integer at “public function getOrderShippingCost($params, $shipping_cost)” as my shipping price. My problem is i have 3 carrier and i want a different cost each carrier. Here my full code:
    < ...>

    It will be good if someone can help me. Thanks for your great tutorial!

  13. Do you know if exist a module for Fedex V2 webservice and for prestashop v1.6.1.7

  14. Hello Alex, I download you module and juste install in my new prestashop
    In the admin, i see the carrier but in the front office part on the shipping step, the carrier it’s not propose ….
    Have you an idea ? I need to configure something ?
    You see a resume of my carrier config:
    This carrier is not free and the delivery announced is: Depends on the freight company [1-2 days].

    The shipping cost is calculated according to the weight and the tax rule No tax will be applied.

    This carrier can deliver orders from 0.000000 KGS to 1000000.000000 KGS. If the order is out of range, the behavior is to apply the cost of the highest defined range.

    This carrier will be proposed for those delivery zones
    Central America/Antilla
    Europe (non-EU)
    North America
    South America
    And it will be proposed for those client groups

  15. Still more questions than answers.
    For example, this page I want to show what I need.
    So, I have a widget from an external site, which calculates the shipping cost depending on city. City of delivery is selected in the same widget at the time of order. I was able to embed the widget without creating a module, but the problem is that it is not clear how to pass the cost of delivery. One idea is to use the module with minor modifications. You can go the way of embedding the widget in order-carrier.tpl based on ID, but I think that making changes to Your module would be more correct.
    In this regard, could You tell where to paste in Your module code of the widget, so it can recalculate the shipping cost to the total cost?

    Thank you.

  16. @bona

  17. Hello Alex. A question… I use for value creation delivery third-party widget. This widget is built in to the front page. Therefore, the shipping cost is determined by the third party service at the time of registration of the order by the client. So here is how to pass the value of shipping cost in function getOrderShippingCostExternal? Thx.

  18. Hi Alex,

    First of all thanks for this tutorial !

    Do you know how i can make the delays dynamic on a carrier module.

    I’m trying to have dynamic delays called on an API.

    Thank you for your time.

    Stefan K.

  19. Thank you for the tutorial.

    I have a problem trying to test the module. I try to upload the module but does not appear in the list of modules, so I can not install it.
    I followed the instructions in the user manual but I can not make it work, I appreciate any suggestions.

  20. Vipul Hadiya,

    It is really strange. As we do not use any logic in calculating the shipping cost, it should just return 777.

  21. I followed you tutorial code without changing a single alphabet but instead of returning shipping cost as 777, it shows “Free Shipping”.
    I don’t care about logic I just want this 777 as shipping price but i can’t get it. Can you suggest anything?

  22. bun hin,

    The reference to the API for some other module does not make much sense, because they all are different. Besides these modules are paid.

  23. Thanks for tut, helpfull. But anyways, you firt should test before publishing. Your code have errors.
    You defined hooks into variable, but never used it in installation to register them. Unless maybe PS registers them automatically, who knows. Anyways, thanks.

  24. Thank you for the tutorial,

    could you please share tutorial for the essential part for shipping module that is using the API to get the cost of shipping based on total weight, city or sub city of destination, service type (eg economy, reguler, fast)

    i belive it will need city or sub -city field as required for shipping address, and teh API processing than integrate to the rest of the modul.

    Bun Hin

  25. name = ‘shippingconfigurator’;
    $this->tab = ‘shipping_logistics’;
    $this->version = ‘1.0’;
    $this->author = ‘R. Pepelea’;
    $this->limited_countries = array();

    parent::__construct ();

    $this->displayName = $this->l(‘Shipping Configurator’);
    $this->description = $this->l(‘Configure your shipping prices depending on weight.’);


    public function install(){

    if (parent::install()) {
    foreach ($this->_hooks as $hook) {
    if (!$this->registerHook($hook)) {
    return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;


    public function uninstall()

    if (parent::uninstall()) {
    foreach ($this->_hooks as $hook) {
    if (!$this->unregisterHook($hook)) {
    return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;


    public function hookactionCartSave($params)

    global $smarty;

    $product_list = $params[‘cart’]->getProducts();

    $total_weight = 0;
    $total_extra_cost = 0;

    foreach ( $product_list as $product ):
    $total_weight += $product[‘weight_attribute’];

    $total_extra_cost = $total_weight * 33;


    public function hookActionCarrierUpdate($params)


    public function getOrderShippingCost($params = null, $shipping_cost = 0){

    return 777;

    public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($params){

    return 999;
    // return $this->getOrderShippingCost($params, 0);

    I have this code, could you please tell me why doesn’t it overwrite my shipping costs?
    I get the same shipping cost, it doesn’t change to 999 or 777.

  26. You can set a tracking number for the order in the admin panel. Click edit and set the tracking number:

  27. Hi.

    this is an excellent tutorial, thanks for sharing this.
    I have a question, How can I add the tracking code to the order when is already paid.

  28. Hello. Thank you for your tutorial.
    I can’t seem to find the link to download the ready-to-use module.
    That would be very helpful!
    Thank you

  29. ljerry,

    Have you seen this module:
    Shipcloud – Shipping Tool for DHL, Hermes, UPS etc by Silbersaiten

    If it does not suit your needs, we can make you a new module. You can contact our support team at [email protected].

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