When starting a business, everybody is afraid of making a mistake, as avoiding mistakes is considered to be a success. Frankly speaking, this is misbelief that can destroy your business completely. You’re allowed to bark up the wrong tree, provided, however, that you’re ready to put right the wrongs. But the most effective way is to learn from the experience of others. So you’re proposed to find out the biggest mistakes small businesses usually make as well as ways to avoid them.
Issue 1: Business involvement
When a newbie deeps into the depths of business, he doesn’t have a concise understanding of what is going on. The only aim he pursues is making easy and fast money. The only task he will have to perform is taking orders and shipping products.
But reality is different! Despite the fact ecommerce businesses don’t exist in the real world, they live online and need supporting from offline side. Business still requires much attention, physical effort to execute, new ideas to implement.
Tip: try to have as much control and visibility of your business as possible. It is assured to be the most cost-effective solution you can apply in the early stages when groundwork is being laid.
You should come to the realization that ecommerce business is an ordinary business like any other, and you can accomplish your goal and get the desired result in case all business tools will be implemented. In addition, you should be involved in the project completely and have close interaction with your co-workers.
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Learn moreIssue 2: Business plan
When starting any business, a retailer should have a detailed plan. The word “plan” doesn’t imply having a 100-page instruction on solving an issue if necessary. But it should consist of the most relevant questions the business is based on:
- Learn products you sell and the market you deal with
- Learn your target audience
- Learn the problems your customers face and their solution
- Learn your key competitors and the way they run their business
- How you can turn competitor’s weakness to advantage
- How you are going to withstand competition
Tip: ask these questions and find out the most appropriate answers according to your business. It helps to form the initial strategy for any startup.
Issue 3: Marketing influence
There’s an opinion that it’s necessary to build the idea and customers will come for no reason. Getting a web store live is the primary stage that can’t guarantee enormous numbers of customers. In addition, you should have a plan how to attract customers and get them satisfied with the service you provide. Having considered the issue in details, you’ll be able to generate ongoing traffic.
Tip: focus on marketing strategy by covering the following points:
- Use ecommerce analytics system (for example, Google Analytics);
- Learn SEO and define the way how to deal with it
- Emphasize the importance of social networks
If you’re ready to accept responsibility for marketing, you can easily cope with it. The Internet is full of marketing tools that need to be applied to accomplish the desired goal. In case you’re not willing to run with it, you can hire an advanced expert who knows how to propel your ecommerce business.
Issue 4: Ecommerce platform
One more point concerning successful web store running is closely connected with ecommerce platforms. While choosing between lots of market offers, you may not expect your choice will influence shoppers’ behavior. How to find out if the platform you’ve already chosen is not suitable for your business? The wrong choice relates to an outdated or underdeveloped platform if it’s not supported or has punches that are not fixed. Besides, if the platform is unnecessarily customized, this is also considered as the wrong choice.
Tip: define the functionality your business requires and resources you have for keeping the project supported.
On that basis, you can determine the type of the platform. Moreover, you should take into account the number of products placed on the site as well as the way it will be organized. In fact, you have the alternative when creating a web store. You can select a ready-made solution which helps you save money, time and effort. Or you can choose the platform and get it customized focusing on your needs. The second way is supposed to be more time-consuming, but your web store will be stood out from the line of similar offers.

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Learn moreIssue 5: Product information
Often business owners can’t walk in customer’s shoes, that’s why they’re not aware of the way the products are presented on the website and the field stays neglected.
Tip: make sure you web store contains all significant product information necessary for customers:
- high-quality photos
- detailed product descriptions with additional information
- size/color/quantity/availability
- product photos of customers who have already purchased
The more relevant data the page contains, the higher chances the shopper will make a purchase. You have the only chance to get shopper interested in the product and encourage him to buy it. Moreover, providing your prospective customers with all needed information, you turn them into regular customers, that will have an impact on your sales.
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