Shiekh Shoes is one of the most famous footwear and apparel retailer on the West Coast of the United States. The headquarters is located in Ontario, CA and operates about 140 stores that you can meet in every major mall from Nevada to Tennessee. The product selection is aimed at young adults, featuring athletic footwear and apparel from the world’s most famous brands. Shiekh Shoes retail stores are mostly located in shopping malls. But online presence is essential and they know it really well. That’s why Shiekh Shoes turned to us with a very important task: to develop a new web store on Magento® 2 platform. The request was very specific, because they didn’t want a regular web store with default functionality. Every feature has to be unique and all the functionality should be custom. Exactly these sort of tasks is our specialization, that we are proud and famous of.
Shiekh Shoes is a famous company and accordingly deserves inimitable appearance. I don’t think that you have ever met the same design anywhere. Custom developed template is amazing and includes non-standard functionality.
Home page looks out of the ordinary because of its block structure. That was implemented by special custom Page Builder tool. This tool allows you to create blocks and place any information into it easily whether it is text, image or video.
To saturate customers in shopping process we prepared easy structure of product displaying on a category page. Just 4 items in a row, big images and necessary info about each product allows in a much faster way to decide what exact product suits you. And of course filter will help you to set certain parameters of your search. By clicking “Filter” button, a filter block appears on the left-hand side and items grid transforms into a structure with 3 products in a row.
Product Page
Each detail, even the smallest one was thought over during product page development. Therefore it presents a product in full measure. You will find only comprehensive information on this page and large size images will give you full understanding how a particular product looks like. User friendly process of adding to cart is performed with a popup message, that suggest you whether proceed to checkout or continue shopping.
We paid a special attention to search realization. Besides being attractive, Celebros integration gave us extended functionality such as advanced autocomplete, advanced spellcheck, faceted navigation, actionable analytics and long tail search.
The Checkout process has been divided into two steps: “Shipping” and “Review and Payments”. Now it’s very easy to complete checkout process without any distractions. Additionally you can see the cart right on the checkout page with all the products.
Mobile responsive
Due to the fact that almost half of all visitors use mobile devices to look through the website, it has been very important to make responsive design. Whatever device you use, it will look amazing and convenient for navigation.
Backend work of Magento® 2 is quite complex and could be performed only by a highly qualified developer. With BelVG team you can be absolutely sure that this work will be done properly.
Product types
All the products have size attribute. Color difference is defined by the related products.
It was carried from the current system through the API. We performed integration with Retail OPS: we receive products without feeds from the system and then import them. At the same time we send order details data to the Retail OPS system.
Payment system
Braintree and Paypal payments are used by Shiekh Shoes company.
Shiekh Shoes uses two most famous shipping methods: UPS service, USPS delivery.
Customer care service
Every visitor has an ability to get in touch through the special pop-up form in the right-down corner.
Server load and configuration
Amazon hosting. Using FASTLY real-time network.

Good work on Magento 2, congratulations!