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Big Day Release: Prestashop Customer Images Uploader

Aug 6, 2014

552 Alex Simonchik

Big Day Release: Prestashop Customer Images Uploader

Encourage your customers to get involved into filling your store with new product images with the module Prestashop Customer Images Uploader. The extension lets your customers upload new images for products right on the store pages. This is a good way to receive feedback and to make your site look more dynamic and unique at the same time.

Key features:

  • Images can be uploaded both by registered and unregistered users;
  • Admin receives an e-mail notification for each uploaded image;
  • Images appear on the frontend only after they get approved by the admin;
  • A new slider on product page contains all customer images;
  • Inbuilt Fancybox display lets the customers see the full image on click;
  • In-built discount system to reward the most active customers.

Testimonials and reviews is the best way to improve reputation of a site and make it look more solid in the eyes of other customers. So, do not hesitate and use the opportunity to let your customers provide their feedback about your products! The module Customer Images Uploader gives your visitors a unique possibility to upload their own photos on your product pages: this way they can express their joy about the purchase and show to others what the products look like in reality. This is an excellent way to increase the level of customers’ loyalty and make your store look trustworthy.

The module allows uploading images to all product pages. Once an image is uploaded the administrator receives an e-mail notification and can either approve or reject the image through the admin panel.

The module also allows you to reward most active and productive customers with special discount coupons.

How to Configure

Now it is time to configure the newly installed module. Log into the Prestashop admin panel and go to Modules – Modules – Image Uploader – Configure.

Module settings are split into several categories and include the following options:

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General Settings

  • Allow customers upload images – enable this option if you want to allow your customers upload their images into your product pages;
  • Allow guests upload images – enable this option if you want to allow unregistered users upload new images into product pages;
  • E-mail is required – if you enable this option, visitors will need to provide their e-mail address to be able to upload photos;
  • Email is required as No, the system will use this e-mail address once a guest user uploads a new image;
  • Guest e-mail – in this option you need to specify an e-mail address, which will be used by the system for guest users. In case you set the option.

Email Settings

  • Notify administrator – select Yes if you want to receive e-mail notifications for each newly uploaded image;
  • Send E-mail to – specify the e-mail address, to where the notifications will be sent;
  • Template – select the e-mail template, which will be used for e-mail notifications.

Coupon Settings

  • Enable coupons for customers – select Yes if you wish to reward your customers with discounts for the images they upload on your site;
  • #of images to get a coupon – specify, how many images a customer should upload to get a discount;
  • Sender name – specify the name, which will be used in the e-mails, sent to customers;
  • Coupon name – indicate the name for the coupon;
  • Email template – select the template, which will be used for the e-mails sent to customers;
  • Coupon type – choose the method to calculate discount: either percent and specific amount;
  • Coupon amount – specify the amount of discount;
  • Disable coupon after N days – specify the coupon validity period;
  • Number of coupon uses – indicate the number of times each coupon can be used;
  • Remove all coupons after N days – specify in how many days the coupons should be deleted in the system.

When you are finished with the settings, click the Save button to apply all the changes.

How to Use

Now let’s have a look at how the module works on the frontend and in the admin panel.

Once the module is installed, each product page receives a new field, where customers can upload their own product photos.

If configured, guest users will be required to specify their e-mail address to be able to upload photos.

If a registered user tries to upload an image as a guest, but specifies his registered e-mail, the system will recognize him and will record this image into his registered account.

All uploaded images can be viewed and administered through the admin panel under the Customers – Uploaded Images section.

Manage uploaded images.

Once an image is approved by the admin, it immediately appears on the frontend.

Click on the image and it will be opened in FancyBox popup.

Looking for PrestaShop developers to create a custom module? We are here to help.

Andrey Dubina
Partner With Us Looking for a partner to grow your business? We are the right company to bring your webstore to success. Talk to Andrey


  1. Seems great stuff!!
    I’m looking for something quite proach: i’d like to allow my custom to upload a file (.pdf, .word,.png, .etc) during the registration process. It would be a condition (the fact that I receive his document) to valid his acount. Do you know how to do that ? I would appreciate your answer a lot !

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