The article is dedicated to adding JS and CSS as well as its managing in Prestashop 1.7 and earlier versions. The first part includes the methods used in both Prestashop versions while the second is about the difference in asset management in Prestashop 1.7.
Let’s consider adding JS and CSS using Prestashop 1.6 theme.
1. Add CSS and JS files to themes/ theme_name/css (or js).
2. Create Frontcontroller.php (if you need the files to be applied for all pages) or, for example, CategoryController.php (for category page) on the path /override/controllers/front/ or /modules/module_name/override/controllers/front/ (for modules). The list containing the names of different pages is at the end of the article.
3. Add the following (for the category page, as an example):
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<!--?php class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore { public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); $this->context->controller->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'effects.js'); $this->context->controller->addСSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'effects.css'); } } |
NOTE: if there are no changes, you need to delete /cache/class_index.php file. It is automatically generated with our changes.
The advantage of the method is the possibility to set the order of files loading. Also, files can be compressed and concatenated that improves web page performance.
Additionally, there’s a way to add files directly to header.tpl (/themes/theme_name/):
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<script type="text/javascript" src="{$js_dir}/custom.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$css_dir}/custom.css" type="text/css" /> |
This way implies that files are loaded globally, but it’s not always necessary.
If compared with Prestashop 1.6, Prestashop 1.7 has improved the way the asserts (js, css, images) are managed. Now the process is simpler. We can manage files directly in the theme without modules, add css and js into HTML with async or defer attributes.
NOTE: the methods addJS (), addCSS (), addJqueryUI () and addJqueryPlugin () are backwards compatible.
Registered assets
Every page of every theme loads the following files:
- theme.css
- custom.css
- rtl.css (if a right-to-left language is detected)
- core.js
- theme.js
- custom.js
Registering in themes
First off, we need to create assets key at the beginning of /themes/%themename%/config/theme.yml and then register the necessary files. Page identifiers are based on the php_self property of each controller.
For example, if you need to add a third part library on all pages and a user library on the product page:
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assets: css: product: - id: product-extra-style path: assets/css/product.css media: all priority: 100 js: all: - id: this-cool-lib path: assets/js/external-lib.js priority: 30 position: bottom product: - id: product-custom-lib path: assets/js/product.js priority: 200 attribute: async |
ID is a unique identifier necessary for each file. It’s useful for overriding or disabling what has been already loaded by the core or module.
Registering in modules
The best way to register your files is to use the registerStylesheet and registerJavascript methods in the parent FrontController class.
1. With a front controller module (override/controllers/front/FrontController.php):
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public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); if ('product' === $this->php_self) { $this->registerStylesheet( 'module-modulename-style', 'modules/'.$this->module->name.'/css/modulename.css', [ 'media' => 'all', 'priority' => 200, ] ); $this->registerJavascript( 'module-modulename-simple-lib', 'modules/'.$this->module->name.'/js/lib/simple-lib.js', [ 'priority' => 200, 'attribute' => 'async', ] ); |

PrestaShop Development
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Visit the page2. Without a front controller module (module_name/moduleName.php).
If you only have your module’s class, register your code on the actionFrontControllerSetMedia hook, and add your asset on the go inside the hook:
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public function hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia($params) { // Only on product page if ('product' === $this->context->controller->php_self) { $this->context->controller->registerStylesheet( 'module-modulename-style', 'modules/'.$this->name.'/css/modulename.css', [ 'media' => 'all', 'priority' => 200, ] ); $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( 'module-modulename-simple-lib', 'modules/'.$this->name.'/js/lib/simple-lib.js', [ 'priority' => 200, 'attribute' => 'async', ] ); } // On every pages $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( 'google-analytics', 'modules/'.$this->name.'/ga.js', [ 'position' => 'head', 'inline' => true, 'priority' => 10, ] ); } |
We need to know ID for unregistering.
In modules
We need to use the unregisterJavascript and unregisterStylesheet methods. The-identifier – specify the ID of the file.
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// In a front controller public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); $this->unregisterJavascript('the-identifier'); } // In a module class public function hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia($params) { $this->context->controller->unregisterJavascript('the-identifier'); } |

Ecommerce Development
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Visit the pageIn themes
Nowadays there’s the only way to unregister an asset without any module. You need to place an empty file where the module will be overridden.
Existing front office controllers
Controller’s filename | Description |
AddressController.php | Used by address.php to edit a customer’s address. |
AddressesController.php | Used by addresses.php to get customer’s addresses. |
AuthController.php | Used by authentication.php for customer login. |
BestSalesController.php | Used by best-sales.php to get best-sellers. |
CartController.php | Used by cart.php to manage the customer’s cart. |
CategoryController | Used by category.php to get product categories. |
CmsController.php | Used by cms.php to get a CMS page. |
CompareController.php | Used by products-comparison.php to compare products. |
ContactController.php | Used by contact-form.php to send messages. |
DiscountController.php | Used by discount.php to get a customer’s vouchers. |
GuestTrackingController.php | Used by guest-tracking.php to manage guest orders. |
HistoryController.php | Used by history.php to get a customer’s orders. |
IdentityController.php | Used by identity.php for customer’s personal info. |
IndexController.php | Used by index.php to display the homepage. |
ManufacturerController.php | Used by manufacturer.php to get manufacturers. |
MyAccountController.php | Used by my-account.php to manage customer account. |
NewProductsController.php | Used by new-products.php to get new products. |
OrderConfirmationController.php | Used by order-confirmation.php for order confirmation. |
OrderController.php | Used by order.php to manage the five-step checkout. |
OrderDetailController.php | Used by order-detail.php to get a customer order. |
OrderFollowController.php | Used by order-follow.php to get a customer’s returns. |
OrderOpcController.php | Used by order-opc.php to manage one-page checkout. |
OrderReturnController.php | Used by order-return.php to get a merchandise return. |
OrderSlipController.php | Used by order-slip.php to get a customer’s credit slips. |
PageNotFoundController.php | Used by 404.php to manage the “Page not found” page. |
ParentOrderController.php | Manages shared order code. |
PasswordController.php | Used by password.php to reset a lost password. |
PricesDropController.php | Used by prices-drop.php to get discounted products. |
ProductController.php | Used by product.php to get a product. |
SearchController.php | Used by search.php to get search results. |
SitemapController.php | Used by sitemap.php to get the sitemap. |
StoresController.php | Used by stores.php to get store information. |
SupplierController.php | Used by supplier.php to get suppliers. |

PrestaShop Modules
Take your store to the next level with PrestaShop modules from BelVG
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