Being a realist, one can say that Magento 2 did not come out with any revolutionary functions although the big hype around the first release and controversial pre-release discussions prepared us that it should be many. Read more
Two years ago a client came to me and told me about very interesting e-commerce startup. He was a successful American business, the owner of his digital marketing company, who wanted to perfect his internet startup, specialized in selling dogs’ accessories, houses, food, toys and all stuff for dogs. Needless to say that at the moment his web store was probably a sole place, accumulated all dogs stuff vendors in USA. Read more
1. What we would like to hear first is a business idea of your site. It could be narrated in a form of business story or handed over as a solid specification with the description of main functions and users cases. We would like to be aware of what you sell , what attributes your products might have, to whom it would be sold, how items are to be paid and how money flows are to be organized.
2. When the overall business idea is clear to us we can continue talking functional part and project features and modules. Usually, when we are speaking about web site implementation with client we mention the most significant pieces: Read more