Custom-made windows and doors of impeccable quality and made in Denmark
Magento 2 Custom Feature Development for Vinduesgrossisten
About Vinduesgrossisten
Vinduesgrossisten is a Denmark-based company that sells windows and doors. It combines affordable prices and good quality. Since its establishment in 2013, the company has specialized in wood, wood/aluminum, and plastic products.
Vinduesgrossisten respects the approach of transparent price calculation on the official website. The company service includes direct delivery from the factory, straightforward communication, and a first-rate customer experience.
Project Overview
We established the partnership in 2018. Vinduesgrossisten decided to migrate their multistore from M1 to M2 and trusted BelVG with this task. During the work, our team also:
- deployed new storefronts
- created a custom theme
- integrated numerous extensions
- built up a unique configuration tool
- reworked a checkout process.
In 2023, we’re not only supporting the webstore but also providing ongoing development.
Home & GardenPlatform
Magento 2Services & notable features
- Magento 2 migration
- Theme customization
- Custom feature development
- Module adjustment and installation
- Bug fixing
- Integration with production (different factories)
- Post production flow R&D
- After sales R&D
M2 Multistore Migration
Vinduesgrossisten turned to BelVG asking for a Danish webstore migration from M1 to M2. The aim was to continue receiving orders on the original version, then automatically transfer all the information to a new webstore, and support those orders with no data loss. We succeed with the task. And Vinduesgrossisten decided to trust us with the issues of turning the Danish store into a multistore for all countries where the company is presented. Today, they have a custom M2 site that includes Danish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, and Icelandic stores.
The webstore contained lots of information and features that had to be coordinated. That’s why we faced some related tasks besides the basic data migration.

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Custom Price Rule for Each Storefront
Each country store on the website has its currencies and mechanisms of product cost forming. As a result, we had to adjust unique price rules for each of them while migrating.
- Denmark is the main market for the company, and the Danish krone is considered a basic default currency. To keep product costs synchronized on all the storefronts, we implemented an everyday conversion. For example, every morning, when the exchange rate is updated, the price in Danish krone is converted into euros, and the new numbers are displayed on the German site.
- Value Added Tax, or VAT, differs from state to state. And Vinduesgrossisten works within Germany and Denmark, which are EU members, Norway, which is a European Economic Area state, and Iceland belongs to a European Free Trade Association. To display the final product price correctly, our dev team configured independent VAT calculations for each store.
- The EU has a law that regulates discount implementation. According to it, a business owner has to take the lowest price in the past 30 days and use it as the original one for applying the discount. The law was passed to prevent companies from speculating during big sales. BelVG adjusted the German and Dahish site mechanism to consider this restriction while calculating such prices.

- Iceland law also has a restriction rule for businesses that apply loyalty programs. It states that only those clients who have joined the special store’s program can benefit from discounts. Our team came up with a solution to still promote lower prices. During promotions, we show the price with a discount as the main one on the product page. And then send several pop-up reminders at different steps of the order so customers wouldn’t forget to join a program. All they need to do is check a relevant box when confirming the order.
- The Norwegian store also underwent some customization that concerned the product price calculation. The state has a special Environment Compensation Tax to encourage citizens to use higher-quality materials, doors, and windows while building houses. The more heat-saving a product is, the lower tax is imposed. That’s why we implemented a dynamic cost of this tax that is calculated and shown on the checkout according to the product characteristics.

Theme Development
As Vinduesgrossisten had already worked with the webstore on the Magento platform, they had an already developed theme that met their criteria. However, our team reworked it to suit M2 and new business requirements. We also added some special features that enriched the user experience.
Dynamic Blocks
Vinduesgrossisten has multiple offline outlets and online consultants in four different countries. The company decided to vary their working hours based on the state, day of the week, national holidays, and common store schedule to operate effectively. BelVG suggested introducing dynamic blocks into each storefront so clients can easily navigate both through outlet and specialist working hours.
Managers can set up working hours from the admin panel every day of the week. If the outlet is open, the site displays green banners with the time range and contact numbers. If it’s closed, the banners automatically change to red ones and indicate the next working day.

Window and Door Configuration Tool
Vinduesgrossisten wanted to have a very special feature that would set the store apart from its competitors. The idea was to create a product configuration tool. Not only would it allow changes to the item, but also would it momentarily display them on the screen. Mostly, they concern the shape, dimension, content, and color of the product. That’s when BelVG came up with a custom solution for a window and door configuration tool.
We took the Mageworx Custom Options module as the basis and reworked it deeply to suit the specific business needs. During the customization, we added the following:
- An option that generates a different price for the same paint depending on the implementation zone: internal, external, or the same for both sides.
- Automatic conservation of all implemented changes in the URL that allows sharing the link with the already configured product.
- A special color option that allows one to choose any author’s color from the palette with the color picker.
- Warning message for some categories that are configurable within the admin panel and warns about the peculiarities of the selected setting.

Layout Customizer
Visually, the configuration tool is divided into two parts: the product scheme that changes during the customization, and the menu itself, where the desired characteristics are set. Technically, these are also two different integrated tools. The menu for selecting characteristics is a highly customized Mageworx Custom Options module. And the scheme is a completely custom solution made by our team and called Layout Customizer.
Even though visually the scheme of the product resembles a drawing, it’s not. It’s a dynamic scheme that is always in the creation process. And all the changes implemented in the settings are immediately displayed. The scheme is converted into the image format only when a customer saves the product and adds it to the cart.
When a user sets up characteristics, certain instructions are sent to the browser. For example, to draw a line from A to B. The browser only has to reflect this on the user’s device, regardless of whether it is a computer, tablet, or cell phone. In addition to dimensions and specifications, Layout Customizer can reflect changes in the color of glasses and windows, both outside and inside.

Speed Optimization
Search engines pay a lot of attention to a website’s loading speed while forming search results. That’s why our QA team always looks for ways to improve this indicator. Both huge and creative work was done to hold a speed optimization for the Vinduesgrossisten webstore.
When we came to the final stage of developing the window and door configuration tool, it was a heavy custom solution that consumed a lot of traffic. As it includes many functions and characteristics, it used to take a relatively long time for the initial product price to load. And the first purchase sum displayed for a few seconds equaled zero. This delay harmed the store’s position in the Google search results as the engine saw the difference between a price in the catalog and the price on a product page.
The BelVG team used Server Side Rendering to solve this problem. Initially, all the configurator tool functionalities were handled at the frontend. They included a scheme drawing, characteristic menu loading, and price calculation. We decided to copy the work logic to the backend. As a result, we were able to simply load a pre-prepared HTML file when a user opened the product page. This manipulation allowed us to fixate the price and reduce the loading speed. The website’s search engine ranking has significantly improved.

Ordering Process Customization
Vinduesgrossisten works with multiple suppliers and manufacturers. Online stores operate throughout several European countries. Such a diverse market needs custom solutions to be handy both for supplies and customers. Thus, our team introduced a couple of significant improvements to the website regarding order placement and processing.
Split Order
Vinduesgrossisten cooperates with several manufacturers, most of them specialize in particular materials. That’s why when a user places an order, the system divides it into several sub-orders for different the manufacturers. The division is visible only the admin panel.
When the company turned to us, such orders were divided manually. When manager saw an order, they divided it into suborders and chose the factories. It took significant time, so BelVG was asked to develop an automatic system for that.
We came up with a Split Order feature. It automatically divides the order into several ones choosing the preferable manufacturer. After, the store manager sees an original order and the generated suborders. They can monitor production, shipment, and any other process. The client continues to see the only order.

Master Key
Vinduesgrossisten is aimed to meet the requests of each customer. For those who order many doors, the company has introduced the possibility of adding a master key to the order.
It’s a universal key that fits all doors in the house. It will only be possible if they have the same type of locks, the product design doesn’t matter. In that case, the manufacturer can adjust the cylinders in each door according to the same principle, and they will be opened with the only key. This was the reason for a special price rule implementation. The item cost is calculated according to the door amount, even if only one key is ordered. This is explained by the fact that lock cylinders are the ones that need special adjustments to fit the key, not vice versa.
The opportunity to order a master key is automatically offered to every customer who adds two or more doors with the same lock type to the shopping cart. When the customer proceeds to checkout, a notification pops up offering to order a master key. If the customer agrees, the item is automatically saved to the cart. Since this moment, the information has been added to the right order, so the manufacturer gets the master key details as a separate product.
Checkout Customization
Checkout is one of those webstore parts that always need customization. To meet the Vinduesgrossisten criteria for being as user-friendly as possible, our team implemented several adjustments.
- Three steps checkout. Magento provides only a two-step procedure when customers choose shipping and payment methods. We used a pre-worked BelVG Checkout Module to add an address saving and choosing step before these two.
- Shipping information. Magento doesn’t allow the customer to have more than one address. We made it possible to save several addresses and then decide between them.
- Checkout speed optimization. As the webstore works with B2B clients who can have 50+ different items within one order, we had to essentially improve performance.
- A Matrix Rate was integrated. According to it, the customer can decide on the shipping method. The webstore analyzes the total order price, the size of products, and the zip code of the address and offers several possible options. If a client orders lightweight, small windows to the zone near the central warehouse, they must choose the vehicle type that will deliver the order.

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Master Account
Master Account is one of the most useful features the BelVG team implemented into the Vinduesgrossisten webstore. Briefly speaking, it’s an in-house account with special admissions that allows managers to perform several actions inside the client’s account. For example, when customers don’t know how to implement changes to their product, or they have come to the outlet and the manager needs to perform the manipulations by themselves, or there’s a need to apply a custom discount. That’s why it was vitally important for the company to have such a possibility.
Master Account gives sales managers the following functionalities:
- Enable or disable discount
- Add a custom discount in percentage or fixed price
- Change a product price
- Change an option name
- Add or remove a product or option from the cart
- Upload an alternative product image
- Apply a custom price for shipping.

While developing the feature, our team has come up with one more possibility that might be useful for Vinduesgrossisten. We introduced the Master Account Empty Offer. Sales specialists use it to create a new product by setting its name, price, number of items, and a set of features, as well as uploading an image to illustrate this unique product.
After we had deployed the Master Account, it proved extremely useful not only for Vinduesgrossisten but also for the BelVG QA team. Since the webstore is extremely heavy and contains a lot of functionality, implementing a new feature requires a detailed data reconciliation. Our QA engineers always use the Master Account to test the changes as it includes the maximum functionality of the site.

Saved Cart
The Master Account functionality broadened when we implemented an advanced saved cart option. It was developed to ease the manager’s work on the order placing processing.
The saved cart option is available both for managers and clients. The latter can save the cart they created without logging in to the existing account. Or share it via a link that would also be available for unlogged users. Using the link, they can either print the cart as a PDF file or restore a similar one to their account.
The managers logged under the Master Account have wider functions. They can see the final price of the order regarding the discounts that will be applied at the checkout. They can also see the last time a client opened or changed the cart . This feature is important to correctly navigate the client through the ordering process.
When we first deployed the Master Account, one nuance popped up. A manager can only view those client-saved carts they were initially working with. If such a manager went on vacation and the other one needed to replace them, they couldn’t have access to particular client carts which were created by the colleague. We reworked a mechanism and made it possible to find any cart from the Master Account, no matter which manager was working on it. The cart can be found by the client’s login or name. Such an adjustment allowed Vinduesgrossisten to easily switch orders between managers without losing any information.

Ongoing Support
Vinduesgrossisten is dynamically developing, and the BelVG team continues to provide tech support to the webstore and work on new features.
Now we’re immersed in the process of creating an independent platform for internal use. It will consist of several features, including a custom instrument to guide and resolve customer complaints, an automatic analyzer of prices, and a new order-tracking mechanism.

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