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Magento Learning: Practice Test

(Professional Developer)


Ready to become Magento certified? Test your skills and knowledge to see your chances of getting a desired certification.

Question 1/How to capture output of the checkout_cart_index output?
Question 2/You have issue with DI compile referenced to usage particular class in Command.
What is the way to solve the issue?
Question 3/After installation 3rd party module you can't open login to admin, from what file you will start debug process
Question 4/You have product A with base price = 100$, special price for the same product is 110$ and active catalog price rule 10% for all catalog.
What price will be for 2 items of product A added to shopping cart if you know that they were added with Option X that adds +5$ to price.
Question 5/Store owner has 4 different websites: US, EU and AU. Languages manages using sore views. How to add ability to apply catalog price rules for EU Store View?
Question 6/Eav attribute can be added to:
Choose 3 answers
Question 7/What influence to cache?
Choose 5 answers
Question 8/What prices are available on product page?
Choose 4 answers
Question 9/You have to check controller for /vendor/magento/module-review/view/frontend/layout/review_product_list.xml layout. Where you can find it:

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